How to Promote Your YouTube Videos?

Professional or individual, if you have inserted your videos on YouTube , it is surely to get views. Indeed, it is one of the most effective tools in online video marketing.

In fact, many companies and influencers are already taking advantage of the benefits of YouTube views. The only condition is that your videos must have a lot of views! Here are our tips for promoting your YouTube videos .

Share your YouTube videos on social media platforms

Do you want to promote your YouTube videos ? One of the most effective ways, aside from buying YouTube subscribers , is to simply share your videos on social media. Indeed, with their very high number of daily users (billions connected worldwide, for the most famous networks), they offer a real opportunity.

By sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook or Instagram, chances are that the share will be viewed by hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people. If it is well referenced, it can induce clicks and a significant number of users can click on it. You can, for example, add an interesting description, a “call-to-action”, which will certainly attract the attention of Internet users.

You must also adapt the video and the text that accompanies your sharing to the target audience. Indeed, in a group focused on animals, your video on “How to take care of your cat? will have more success than on a culinary page.

You can share in groups, or create a page or account to promote your YouTube videos . You can also partner with influential pages to share your YouTube videos or embed them in their content.

Embed your videos on your website or blog

Another way to promote your YouTube videos is to embed them on your website or blog. If you are a brand or a business, your website visitors will definitely be interested in your YouTube videos.

In addition, having videos on your pages will also support your content, which will make this process a double benefit for your business. Tutorial- type videos are always very popular with Internet users who visit the various blogs.

If you are an individual, you can easily create a blog or a site to promote your videos. To have traffic, you must work well on SEO and create interesting and good quality texts.

You can then partner with influential sites and blogs to drive more traffic to your site. Note that having more visitors to your site and blog means having more potential visitors and therefore views for your YouTube videos.

Buy views for your YouTube videos

Buy views for your YouTube videos

Making your videos stand out among the billions of videos on YouTube is not a given. But rest assured, there is a way to get success faster and make sure your video gets the number of views you expect.

If you are looking for an easy way to get views on YouTube, you can buy views. Note that YouTube uses an algorithm to rank videos. Thus, the videos that have the most views and more subscribers are highlighted on the site.

For videos with few views, the chance of having visibility is almost nil. This is why it is interesting to proceed with the purchase of views.

By getting a hundred views, you will have a better chance of seeing your videos among those recommended by YouTube. With thousands of views, they can even be featured on the YouTube homepage…

You are probably wondering about the legality of buying views. Well, like buying followers, buying views doesn’t break any rules, as long as you have actual views . It also helps ensure that your views don’t disappear overnight.

Add a link to your videos in your email signature

Embedding a video in an email is also effective for promoting your YouTube videos. If this process seems very technical, it is quite easy to perform. The problem is that this format is quite heavy, which can make mass mailing difficult. In addition, your emails can also fall into spam.

One solution is that you can insert a hypertext link that points to your YouTube video on the signature of your email. Add a “Call to Action” to your signature (example: Check out this video to discover my services).

You can also send your video in the mail as a photo. Note that the PNG/JPG format is lighter than the video format. To do this, create a thumbnail image of a YouTube video (with the Play button in the center). Then, attach a hyperlink to it. When the recipient clicks on the photo, they will be redirected to the video hosted on YouTube that you want to promote.

Place ads for your YouTube videos

You can also place ads for your YouTube videos. Investing in Google AdWords is also a good idea if you are looking for an effective way to promote your video content on YouTube.

It is an effective means that allows you to have views, and the impact of your investment is immediate, because you will have a good positioning on the search pages. You will only have to stop paying when you have enough views so that your videos can have a good positioning on YouTube and bring traffic naturally.

You can also invest with other advertising platforms to get more views quickly. What is good with these platforms is that you will have better visibility immediately, which will allow you to monetize your videos and your presence on YouTube quickly.