The Complete Guide to Inbound Marketing

Currently, a website offers several possibilities for a business to attract new customers. However, she must build an acquisition strategy based on inbound marketing to convert.

Here is the complete guide to inbound marketing.

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is one of the most popular digital marketing strategies at the moment. It consists in attracting visitors who will become customers through quality content and without being intrusive.

For this, inbound marketing uses several digital levers, starting with the website, social media, content marketing, marketing automation, etc.

A company that integrates inbound marketing into its strategy seeks above all to attract customers naturally. 

The different stages of inbound marketing?

To better understand inbound marketing , you need to know the different stages of this strategy. Inbound Marketing is made up of 4 interrelated stages that each have a specific purpose.

Attract visitors to your site

The first step in inbound marketing is to identify Internet users who are likely to buy your products or services to attract them to your site. This step will allow you to generate visitors to your site. In this step, you need to start by creating relevant and quality content that interests your buyers personas.

Then, optimize your content through natural referencing to acquire a better position in search engines and therefore better visibility.

You can also use social networks to increase visibility for your business. Apart from quality content, you need to be active to reach a large number of Internet users.

Convert visitors to leads

Convert Website Visitors into Leads

When your site generates enough traffic, consider converting your visitors into leads. During this stage, the goal of inbound marketing is more focused on collecting visitor information (name, email address, job, age, address, etc.). In order for your visitors to provide this information, you need to give them some consideration like a free ebook, white paper, tutorial video, etc.

The other important aspect of converting to leads is setting up a relevant call to action. The latter is in the form of a button that prompts visitors to take an action on your site.

Turn leads into customers

Once visitors are converted into leads, you then need to turn them into customers. For this, you must establish a relationship of trust with your prospects so that they buy your products or services. The goal is to make your leads understand that your offer meets their needs.

The first lever used to acquire new customers is emailing. It allows you to create a close relationship with prospects. As part of inbound marketing, you should also use CRM software to track customer relationships. In addition, the implementation of marketing automation also offers you several opportunities. This is to automate marketing campaigns from the information collected.

Generate ambassadors through loyalty

After the first sales made, you must maintain a relationship of trust with your visitors, your leads and your customers. The goal of the last step is to build customer loyalty and create ambassadors for your brand.

For that, you need to do a social follow to get your customers back on social networks . Also conduct in-depth surveys to understand your customers’ needs and track trends. Finally, the most important thing is to analyze the results obtained after the various marketing actions. This will allow you to find the ideal strategy to increase your return on investment.

What are the key elements of inbound marketing?

Thanks to the 4 stages of inbound marketing, we can see that this strategy is based on several key elements.

The definition of the buyer persona

This is the definition of the target audience for a business. Developing your buyer persona allows you to know the customers interested in your product. This step allows you to identify the behaviors of your targets.

As the company’s offering evolves, the buyer persona can also change. Thus, the power of inbound marketing relies on the precision of your analyzes when defining the buyer persona.

Creating quality content

Once your buyer persona’s expectations have been identified, you need to create quality content to attract them. As content is the fundamental pillar of inbound, all aspects will need to be considered.

Start defining the format of the content, it can be text, audio, video, etc. Add useful information that will bring real added value to your audience.

SEO of the website

The third key element is to optimize your website for the search engines. To do this, create an ergonomic website that will optimize the user experience.

In addition to the visibility of your site, you must also optimize its conversion rate.

Marketing automation

Finally, take advantage of the power of marketing automation when setting up an inbound strategy. By automating the marketing resources at your disposal, you benefit from a customer acquisition system at all times.

In conclusion

Inbound marketing allows you to acquire customers from quality content for your business. Its implementation requires a certain rigor so that it can automatically generate customers.

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