Why to Use Snapchat in Business?

Snapchat: A Relevant Tool for Brands

Using Snapchat in business: We talk more and more about Snapchat, I wanted to look into the subject. We tend to think that only young people use this application. Mistake: Media and business are also riding the wave. Clarisse Gratecap, founder of Snapologie, made it a high-level conference during BlendWebmix. Focus on the little yellow phantom and its professional use.

What is Snapchat ?

Snapchat is a free photo and video sharing app .

The particularity of this application is the existence of a time limit for viewing the media sent to its recipients. Each Video or photograph sent can only be visible to its recipient for a period of time ranging from one to ten seconds, and recently up to an infinite time This application allows sending messages with images or videos that are ‘self-destruct after 1 second at an infinite time (the duration is chosen by the sender), including selfies . 350 million snaps are exchanged every day in the world 2. The app also allows users to create a Story (“Story”). It is a juxtaposition of several photos/videos. A “story” can be viewed as many times as the user wishes, but each element of the story has a lifespan of 24 hours (source Wikipedia).

In France, Snapchat has 10 million active users, which represents 30% of Internet users who are registered there (and 16% who use it every day).

Sharing Photos But not only

But the tool is not only for photo sharing: Snapchat is a social network just like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… But it works differently.


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  • Community animation: We have to find a new way to engage because the now usual “tag a buddy who” is not possible on Snapchat.
  • Measurement indicators: The only figures given by Snapchat in terms of statistics are the number of views and screenshots (screenshot). The only way to assess the engagement of your friends is to push them to screenshot a snap (make a screenshot).
  • Use: on a network like Instagram or Facebook, we try to showcase ourselves, to show a good image of ourselves, our brand, our products.

All companies can go on Snapchat but they have to find their tone, it doesn’t necessarily mean using funny lenses, you can also be serious, you just have to know the features well and integrate them into your stories.

The tool lends itself more easily to a B2C target. In general, when we use Snapchat we already master all the other social networks. And this is important because they are not used the same at all.

Difference in use of RS

Contrary to popular belief, the most numerous users are in the 18-34 age bracket

Why Use Snapchat in Business?

Why Use Snapchat in Business

Using Snapchat for a business has many benefits. This allows to

  • Reach specific audiences
  • Foster the growth of your business
  • Obtain concrete results and optimize your campaigns

In terms of image:

  • Be a pioneer
  • Try new things
  • And finally, because it’s a brand, a very digital tool.

It is possible, for example, to carry out one-off operations with large contributions.

  • Ibis experienced this a year ago. They launched the Digital and Innovative Sleepathlon Competition. The goal was to have their picture taken pretending to be asleep in unexpected places. The duration of the competition: 12 hours – from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 12 photos in 12 hours to win hotel nights. The brand launched its Snapchat account with this campaign, with real success:
    • 850,000 views and 3 million impressions were at the rendezvous while engagement has practically tripled. source the log of cm.
  • On an event like BlendWebMix, Snapchat is the opportunity to launch an investigation into the murder of a robot (Stand Hoomano). Searching for clues, disseminating them, makes the survey and the tool very fun.

Many other brands have made good operations: Chopart, Adidas, Nescafé, NRJ. For more information, I invite you to read the summary of the excellent conference. Snapchat’s secret recipe for brands.

How to Use Snapchat in Business to Launch a Brand?

Snapchat tips and tricks for business

Upstream :

Define a strategy and a goal. These include:

  • the tone you want to use,
  • the target to reach, and who will put you ahead.
  • Provide an editorial line as well as an editorial calendar.

Then go into practice:

  1. Create an account
  2. Promote it: let people know that we are on Snapchat, from other social networks, in order to create a community.
  3. Animate the account by posting images, videos with short text.
  4. Create engaging content: the KPI (performance indicator) is Screenshopt. You have to have something fun, fun, and not hesitate to experiment.


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