Instagram now lets everyone share links in Stories

Instagram has announced that it is expanding the link-sharing feature in Stories to all of its users. The company started testing this feature in June and replaced the scan links with this one in late August. Since the latter was only available for verified accounts or accounts with more than 10,000 subscribers, Link Stickers will allow more users to share external URLs via stories, regardless of verified status and number of subscribers. ‘subscribers of their accounts.

Additionally, link stickers will allow viewers to respond to them and engage with the account, unlike swipe link stories, which did not allow any interaction.

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So, how do you add a link to your Instagram Stories with the Link sticker?

  • Capture or upload content to your Story as you normally would.
  • Select the sticker tool from the top navigation bar.
  • Tap the “Link” sticker to add the desired URL and tap “Done.”
  • Now place the Link sticker in your Story like the other stickers, and tap on it to see the color options.
  • Once you are done with the positioning and colors of the sticker, post it.

Instagram says it’s working on other ways to allow sticker customization. Also note that unlike the swipe up link feature, where you swiped over the Story to open the webpage, you will have to tap on the link sticker to visit the URL.

The social media company also said that “new accounts and accounts that repeatedly share items such as hate speech and disinformation, or other content that violates our community rules will not have access to it. ‘Link sticker’.

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